Wearable Technology Integration

We are often asked how we evolved into creating integrated wearable devices. This evolution is easily understood when you consider our depth of knowledge of the human body, fit, and biomechanics coupled with the decades of product knowledge of complex garments we have created. Stepping into the integration of technology such as displays, sensors, and processors into clothing to create smart garments that further enhance consumer's lives was a natural stepping stone.

Wearable technology integration refers to the integration of technology such as displays, sensors, and processors into clothing to create smart garments. This integration results in clothing items that are not only functional and stylish but also provide additional benefits to consumers. Here are just some of the ways wearable technology integration can help:

1.    Health and wellness tracking: Smart garments equipped with sensors can track and monitor various health and wellness metrics, such as heart rate, body temperature, and physical activity levels. This can provide consumers with valuable insights into their health and wellness and can help them make informed decisions about their lifestyles.

2.    Convenience and comfort: Smart garments can integrate various features, such as touch controls, wireless charging, and hands-free access to devices, making daily life more convenient and comfortable for consumers.

3.    Improved safety: Smart garments equipped with sensors and processors can provide added safety features, such as emergency alerts, real-time location tracking and environmental monitoring.

4.    Personalized fashion: Smart garments can be designed and customized to the individual preferences of the consumer providing a more personalized fashion experience.

5.    Improved communication: Smart garments can integrate with devices and platforms to provide hands-free access to communication tools, such as voice and text messaging, making communication more convenient and accessible.

Innovation in apparel is a critical aspect of success in the fashion industry and wearable technology integration has the potential to greatly enhance the functionality and convenience of clothing items, providing numerous benefits to consumers. It also offers an opportunity for textile and clothing brands to differentiate themselves from competitors and provide a unique and memorable shopping experience for their customers.

Innovation in medical apparel and devices is essential for creating products that meet the specific needs of healthcare professionals and patients. The integration of wearable technology can help to provide patients with greater convenience, improve patient outcomes and enhance the overall quality of care in healthcare and home settings.

The goal of product innovation and the integration of wearable technology at The Squad can take many forms. Product innovation involves a combination of market research, design, UI, fit testing, and development. Our process includes researching consumer needs and trends, experimenting with new materials, substrate combinations, virtual prototyping, virtual testing, product development techniques, and prototyping to test new ideas and products. Creating such new silhouettes or designs, experimenting with new materials or fabrication techniques for us, is to create products that meet the needs of your consumers in new and unique ways and that stand out in the marketplace. But the most important intersection of these wearable devices is the function and for these devices to function, they have to fit. They have to fit various body sizes and shapes and conform to the body in ways that allow the device to function during movement. If you would like to learn more on how The Squad can partner with you on your next wearable device project, don't hesitate to reach out.


The Intersection of Design and Functional Design


The Pursuit of 3D Design Technology in Garment Design, Weaving and Knitting Technology of Consumer Apparel.